Berkshire Bridges Meeting Day

Berkshire Bridges 12.11.15

Please join us for a community conversation on Berkshire Bridges!

For current and interested Working Cities Pittsfield Team partners, the meeting will be from 11:00-1:00 pm. There is a community-wide forum from 2:00-4:00 pm. Members from Schenectady Bridges will be discussing their practices for this transformational movement.

Working Cities Team Meeting

Pittsfield businesses, non-profits, agencies and community-based organizations are invited to join the Working Cities Pittsfield Team at our weekly meetings.

On 12/22, we will be planning the community engagement calendar for January-February 2016. We will be hosting listening sessions with local groups to discover the greatest challenges facing residents in Pittsfield, but we need to map out when these groups are meeting.

For more information, please Contact Us.