Creating a Trauma Informed Berkshire County

Department of Mental Health, along with the Western Mass Recovery Learning Community, The Brien Center and the Colonial Theater ( and potentially Working Cities and Downtown Pittsfield) will be hosting a Community Conversation called “Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Berkshire County-Living in a community where all citizens are Respected, Validated, Supported and Thrive.” Just writing these words reminds me of this tall order we are undertaking.

Department of Mental Health Site Board: Trauma Informed Berkshire County planning

Please come by to the Department of Mental Health (DMH) Site Board Meeting on August 16th from 4:30pm-6:15pm. 333 East St, room 404.

I understand if folks have very busy schedules and can’t make it, I do appreciate everyone’s commitment regardless! 🙂 🙂

P.S. If anyone has any difficulties or worries about finding the correct room in the building, I am more than happy to escort/show the way for anyone 🙂 🙂  Please feel free to message me about anything regarding this (TEXT/CALL) 413-358-7043

Thanks for reading! Written with intention – Alan 🙂