
January Working Cities Wednesday

A large crowd gathered at Goodwill Industries on Tyler Street to share ideas for making Pittsfield a better place. Many new faces filled the room with great energy. Below are the pitches made and how to get involved:

Topic: Composting
Lead: Kathi Riley 413 822 2292
Summary of Discussion:

  • Community based compost with University of PA (Erin)
  • Research previous pitch
  • Meal site and food pantry
  • Reach out to Kate Lauzon

Three things to do before the next meeting:

  • Identify possible participating organizations
  • Reach out to Julie Lemieux
  • Organize bringing orgs together
  • Reach out to the general public
    • John Krol show
    • FB page- Funky Phoenix seedlings page?

Resources you may need:

  • List of recyclable products “how to”
  • Tina’s academy- cooking groups -> compost education

Topic: Community police outreach center West Side
Lead: Linda Kelley 413 242 6623
Summary of Discussion:

  • Pilot for a new paradigm of Law Enforcement and community engagement reinforced
  • Community relationship building with police force- stabbing
  • Need commitment for community police office
  • Carolyn Valli offered space at Habitat office, 2 officers have been assigned
  • Volunteers staff office / paperwork / advice / space for anonymity
  • How do we as a community contribute to needs
  • Flyers created for program
  • We have: office space, commitment, training (tape trainings)
  • Do volunteers need to be from Pittsfield?

Three things to do before the next meeting:

  • West Side meeting at Conte School 1/28 every 4th Monday
  • Need volunteers? / Shift discussion? / Office hours? / Weekends?
  • Research other models

Resources you may need:

  • Access training resources (online as well)
  • Access to legal resources (including law enforcement)
  • Law enforcement at West Side meeting
  • List of basic requirements for volunteers
  • Interested volunteers with available hours
  • Outreach
    • John Krol Show, retired officers, vets, firemen, clipboards, local access channel, webpage, paper versions, Chief Wynn

Topic: Park with exercise equipment
Leader: Erika

Summary of Discussion:

  • Something free and outdoors for the community without the extra gym cost
  • Bring culture together
  • Sketches and how this would work

Three things to do before the next meeting:

  • Contact Jim and Tessa and ask for feedback
  • Meet with him and our group
  • Bring pictures and ideas of other park designs

Resources you may need:

  • Tessa and Tanu from Westside Riverway Park design
  • Community Navigators
  • Jim McGarth (Head of parks and recreation)

Topic: Creative Learning Network
Leader: Tina Cardot 413 464 6485
Summary of Discussion:

  • Using downstairs Zion classroom
  • Finding kitchens for cooking classes

Three things to do before the next meeting: Check with PHS about dance club, etc - Network to Zion, BCF, young entrepreneurs

Resources you may need: Need people to lead clubs, activities, and other potential sites

The next Working Cities Wednesday is February 27, 2019 at The Christian Center from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Applying the Concepts of Bridges Out of Poverty

More than 100 people from across sectors and across Berkshire County attended the second in a series of Community-wide Bridges Out of Poverty workshops on January 10 at the Pittsfield Country Club. Participants who previously learned key concepts of the Bridges model now focused on how to implement those concepts in their everyday work.

National facilitator, Jodi Pfarr, walked the group through how differences in mental models, language, discourse, and hidden rules play out in our every day lives and how to use the information to better manage staff, communicate with co-workers, change agency policies, and other tools to be more effective.

Are you interested in hosting a Bridges Out of Poverty workshop for your organization? Click here to send us an email and we will get back to you.