In May, nearly 50 enthusiastic people gathered at the Tyler Street Lab for friendly conversation and exciting ideas. See below for each pitch and how to follow up.
Topic: Teen Interpreters
Leader: Luis Manco (615 730 3661), Juliana Manosalva (413 344 6158)
Next meeting date: May 30, 2019
- There is a need for translation services for Latino communities in Pittsfield
- We want to organize a volunteer group comprised of high school or college students who can provide the volunteer services.
Three things to do before the next meeting:
- We need to define where the services would be performed / time / season
- We can think about a pilot during the summer
- It would be good to know how many people are in need of the translation services and for what purpose.
- We need to identify incentives (school credits, job recommendations, other) for the volunteers
Resources you may need:
- Human resources to design the project
- Identify the potential number of volunteers
- Develop a database with names
Topic: 2020 Census
Leader: Kathy Anker
Next meeting date: Community-wide meeting in August
- How do we get the community to understand how the census is and isn’t used?
- Which populations are most likely to avoid or be left out by the census? Which names and taglines appeal to them?
Three things to do before the next meeting:
- Report back at the next Working Cities Wednesday with discussion and census count
Resources you may need:
- Volunteers
- Note on door- I will be back
Topic: Cyber Security
Leader: Ash McNair, 774-210-9187
- Senior center, OLLI (BCC) > places to go do outreach on cyber security/aging population
- Berkshire Children and Families, Family Resource Center speaker series
- Elder Care Network
- RSVP - seniors volunteering
- Elizabeth Freeman Center (security)
- Library (place to offer classes)
- Class for patrons / library computers
- Could piggyback on other events
Three things to do before the next meeting:
- Contact organizations listed above
- Morningside and Westside Initiative Meetings
Resources you may need:
- Brochures, flyers