May Working Cities Wednesday

In May, nearly 50 enthusiastic people gathered at the Tyler Street Lab for friendly conversation and exciting ideas. See below for each pitch and how to follow up.

Topic: Teen Interpreters
Leader: Luis Manco (615 730 3661), Juliana Manosalva (413 344 6158)

Next meeting date: May 30, 2019


  • There is a need for translation services for Latino communities in Pittsfield
  • We want to organize a volunteer group comprised of high school or college students who can provide the volunteer services.

Three things to do before the next meeting:

  • We need to define where the services would be performed / time / season
  • We can think about a pilot during the summer
  • It would be good to know how many people are in need of the translation services and for what purpose.
  • We need to identify incentives (school credits, job recommendations, other) for the volunteers

Resources you may need:

  • Human resources to design the project
  • Identify the potential number of volunteers
  • Develop a database with names

Topic: 2020 Census
Leader: Kathy Anker
Next meeting date: Community-wide meeting in August


  • How do we get the community to understand how the census is and isn’t used?
  • Which populations are most likely to avoid or be left out by the census? Which names and taglines appeal to them?

Three things to do before the next meeting:

  • Report back at the next Working Cities Wednesday with discussion and census count

Resources you may need:

  • Volunteers
  • Note on door- I will be back

Topic: Cyber Security
Leader: Ash McNair, 774-210-9187

  • Senior center, OLLI (BCC) > places to go do outreach on cyber security/aging population
  • Berkshire Children and Families, Family Resource Center speaker series
  • Elder Care Network
  • RSVP - seniors volunteering
  • Elizabeth Freeman Center (security)
  • Library (place to offer classes)
  • Class for patrons / library computers
  • Could piggyback on other events

Three things to do before the next meeting:

  • Contact organizations listed above
  • Morningside and Westside Initiative Meetings

Resources you may need:

  • Brochures, flyers