A large crowd gathered at Goodwill Industries on Tyler Street to share ideas for making Pittsfield a better place. Many new faces filled the room with great energy. Below are the pitches made and how to get involved:
Topic: Composting
Lead: Kathi Riley 413 822 2292
Summary of Discussion:
- Community based compost with University of PA (Erin)
- Research previous pitch
- Meal site and food pantry
- Reach out to Kate Lauzon
Three things to do before the next meeting:
- Identify possible participating organizations
- Reach out to Julie Lemieux
- Organize bringing orgs together
- Reach out to the general public
- John Krol show
- FB page- Funky Phoenix seedlings page?
Resources you may need:
- List of recyclable products “how to”
- Tina’s academy- cooking groups -> compost education
Topic: Community police outreach center West Side
Lead: Linda Kelley 413 242 6623
Summary of Discussion:
- Pilot for a new paradigm of Law Enforcement and community engagement reinforced
- Community relationship building with police force- stabbing
- Need commitment for community police office
- Carolyn Valli offered space at Habitat office, 2 officers have been assigned
- Volunteers staff office / paperwork / advice / space for anonymity
- How do we as a community contribute to needs
- Flyers created for program
- We have: office space, commitment, training (tape trainings)
- Do volunteers need to be from Pittsfield?
Three things to do before the next meeting:
- West Side meeting at Conte School 1/28 every 4th Monday
- Need volunteers? / Shift discussion? / Office hours? / Weekends?
- Research other models
Resources you may need:
- Access training resources (online as well)
- Access to legal resources (including law enforcement)
- Law enforcement at West Side meeting
- List of basic requirements for volunteers
- Interested volunteers with available hours
- Outreach
- John Krol Show, retired officers, vets, firemen, clipboards, local access channel, webpage, paper versions, Chief Wynn
Topic: Park with exercise equipment
Leader: Erika
Summary of Discussion:
- Something free and outdoors for the community without the extra gym cost
- Bring culture together
- Sketches and how this would work
Three things to do before the next meeting:
- Contact Jim and Tessa and ask for feedback
- Meet with him and our group
- Bring pictures and ideas of other park designs
Resources you may need:
- Tessa and Tanu from Westside Riverway Park design
- Community N
avigators - Jim
McGarth (Head of parks and recreation)
Topic: Creative Learning Network
Leader: Tina Cardot 413 464 6485
Summary of Discussion:
- Using downstairs Zion classroom
- Finding kitchens for cooking classes
Three things to do before the next meeting: Check with PHS about dance club, etc - Network to Zion, BCF, young entrepreneurs
Resources you may need: Need people to lead clubs, activities, and other potential sites
The next Working Cities Wednesday is February 27, 2019 at The Christian Center from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm