August Working Cities Wednesday pitches

Working Cities Wednesday was hosted by Goodwill Industries on Tyler Street for the month of August. Neighbors brainstormed the tough issue of the need for Spanish language services and ESOL classes. Then there is the fun pitch of planning caroling flash mobs during the holidays.

If you want to help out with any of the projects below, please contact the pitch lead.

Topic: ESL Learning Opportunities

Lead: Kathy Anker & Alex Valdivieso, [email protected]

Summary of Discussion: Spanish speaking residents need more classes in English language skills that are immersive and long-term. Not enough classes offered or at the right times. A network for bilingual conversation groups.

Three things to do before the next meeting:

  • Reach out to Austin Library for curriculum
  • Connect with Literacy Network
  • Find space and time for conversation groups

Resources you may need:

  • Volunteers
  • Materials
  • Connections to current ESL opportunities


Topic: Singing Flash Mob

Lead: Linda Kelley, [email protected]

Summary of Discussion: Create a singing flash mob in Pittsfield. Have multiple performance days in November and December. One anticipated date would be the First Friday Arts Walk in December.

Three things to do before the next meeting:

  • Recruit interested people
  • Pick out song choices
  • Find people with instruments to participate

Resources you may need:

  • Excited and interested people
  • Sheet music for singers and musicians
  • Outreach

Our next Working Cities Wednesday will be on September 26 at the Christian Center, 193 Robbins Ave from 5:30 - 7:00 pm.