Learn with us during your lunch break - for FREE

In 2016, we got together and shared our goals for Pittsfield: a just, thriving, and safe place for everyone. This is a shared community goal for all who are part of Working Cities Pittsfield. But how do we get there?

solidarity quote and picture of bridgeWorking Cities Pittsfield adopted the concepts of Bridges Out of Poverty(BOP) as a tool to get us there. We cannot do it alone. You can become a driver of change in our city by learning the BOP concepts to help employers, community organizations, social service agencies, and individuals address poverty in a comprehensive way. We need your leadership.

Join us for a series of FREE lunchtime webinars where we will provide brief overviews of the concepts and some conversation that will help all of us understand our neighbors better, serve our community better, and create sustainable changes that will help you, your business, and our city become just, thriving, and safe.

Click the links below to register
April 24 Bridges Out of Poverty: An Overview for Individuals
May 8 Mental Models
May 22 Bridges Out of Poverty: An Overview for Organizations
June 5 Language Registers
June 19 Bridges Out of Poverty: An Overview for Businesses