June 27 Working Cities Wednesday

Did you miss the last Working Cities Wednesday? No problem! Below is information about the pitches and who to contact to get involved.

Topic: Pittsfield MOVES & Harvest of Hope
Lead Name: Thasia Giles, [email protected]

Summary of Discussion: Building a connection between the Jacob’s Pillow Pittsfield Moves project and the Manos Unidas Harvest of Hope festival. Brainstorm best community outreach practices. Both events are open to the public and there is no age limit on participation. What gets people excited to participate in creative programs?

Three things to do before next meeting:
• Circulate flyers to all Working Cities Wednesday attendees
• Invite more people to volunteer on the Harvest of Hope planning committee
• Advertise Pittsfield Moves program dates

Resources you may need:
• Outreach and canvassing support
• Volunteer support

Topic: Bus Stop Signs
Lead Name: Barbara Bizzi, [email protected], 413-442-0649

Summary of Discussion: BRTA bus stations around Pittsfield are not clearly marked with Bus Stop signs or the bus schedule making it difficult for first-time users. Upcoming route changes and rate increases are not readily available at local bus stops for riders to reference. What is the BRTA already doing to convey information to current and potential riders?

Three things to do before next meeting:
• Meet with BRTA reps
• Learn more about BRTA current practices

Resources you may need:
• Feedback from other residents
• Introduction to BRTA

Topic: West Side Riverway Park
Lead Name: Tessa Kelly, [email protected] , 413-281-8023

Summary of Discussion: Brainstorm on the best way to gather community feedback about the design and use of the future West Side Riverway Park on Dewey Ave. Collaborate with service providers already conducting community surveys and listening sessions. Attend local community events such as the Gather-In at Durant Park and the Saturday Farmer’s Market.

Three things to do before next meeting:
• Create a large map of the park for residents to view and post opinions on
• Investigate possible digital information kiosks for the park

Resources you may need:
• Contacts with local community centers
• Resident feedback

Topic: Energy Efficiency
Lead Name: Logan Malik, [email protected], 860-671-0754

Summary of Discussion: Increase awareness of the benefits of energy efficiency and the available resources for energy updates. Host an open house in the neighborhood to show other residents what energy efficient upgrades/weatherization look like. Create a social media campaign and reach out to local service providers to spread the information.

Three things to do before next meeting:
• Contact groups i.e. RSVP, BUW, Berkshire Interfaith
• Distribute information flyers
• Engage more volunteers

Resources you may need:
• Contacts and outreach support
• Volunteer support

Topic: Pittsfield Recycles
Lead Name: Kate Lauzon, [email protected], 413-841-5841

Summary of Discussion: What can residents do to increase awareness and participation in recycling programs in Pittsfield? Create a welcome package with recycling information for all new residents. Table at the Saturday Farmer’s Market with interactive information about recyclable materials. Create a social media campaign through existing Pittsfield networks and distribute material through the public schools. Make sure all city material on recycling is available in Spanish as well.

Three things to do before next meeting:
• Partner with local service providers and upcycling centers
• Hold an informational event
• Gather ambassadors for each ward to convey information

Resources you may need:
• Interested residents
• Volunteers to canvas and distribute information

Making Connections at Jacob’s Pillow

Working Cities Pittsfield accompanied residents on the Pittsfield to Pillow Express on Saturday, July 7. The free bus, which leaves from several stops in Pittsfield, provides enough time to tour the grounds and have a meal before a free performance on the Inside Out stage. The bus returns to Pittsfield after the show.

This is a great opportunity to experience all that Jacob’s Pillow has to offer at absolutely no cost! Click here to check out more information about the Pittsfield-Pillow Express.

group of people at picnic table
Some snacks before the show
group of people in woods
Getting a tour of the beautiful grounds and facility from Pillow staff