June Working Cities Wednesday Celebration and Updates

Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate and network with us on June 28 at Durant Park. Below are the projects discussed and who to contact if you would like to join these ideas.

Lead - Elisa Fuller/Karen Vogel ([email protected])

Summary of discussion:

  • Need for youth programs focused on 11-14 year olds
  • Building leadership and career skills
  • Barriers such as finances, access, or lack of knowledge of current resources

Three steps before next meeting:

  • Berkshire United Way will share a current asset map of youth programs
  • Check in with Family Resource Center to create a collective
  • Plan to bring youth groups together

Resources needed:

  • Database system/ ways to connect groups
  • One person at every organization to be a connector for neighborhood

Lead - Chris Haley 413-398-2014 [email protected]

Summary of discussion:

  • What is a trauma informed community?
  • ACES- Adverse Childhood Experiences

Three steps before next meeting:

  • Get the word out about Aug 15 event at the Colonial
  • Get buy-in from top officials such as Mayor’s office
  • Circulate community education flyers

Resources needed:

  • People - to volunteer, to show up etc.
  • A connection to the corrections community

Lead - Zach Durso - [email protected]

Summary of discussion:

  • Need to connect food pantry visitors with other services they may not be aware of
  • Community Connector

Three steps before next meeting:

  • Visit 3 pantries
  • Share information at community events

Resources needed:

  • Money
  • Volunteers

Lead - Chuck Fuller 413-358-7513 [email protected]

Summary of discussion:

  • Fields across county are in disrepair creating conflict between adult and youth leagues - not enough fields.
  • Leagues compromise
  • Make Berkshire Adult League official

Three steps before next meeting:

  • Bring up at City Council meeting
  • Get more people involved
  • Circulate community education flyers

Resources needed:

  • The community

Lead - Jay Sachetti 413-448-5353 x 111 [email protected]

Summary of discussion:

  • Rehab vacant property cost prohibitive
  • How do people get services/where are they?
  • Individuals who are pregnant/homeless

Three steps before next meeting:

  • Servicenet will meet with the Christian Center
  • Deliver list of services available in Pittsfield to Christian Center
  • Safety/Community Watch meeting w/Sharon

Resources needed:

  • Mental health/ brain injury/ physical disability
  • Access to services

The next Working Cities Wednesday will be held on Wednesday, July 26 at 5:30 pm at the Berkshire Dream Center, 475 Tyler Street.

Sharon adds a card to the Working Cities Marketplace.
children playing
Jetta and Zachery play on the playground.
Residents discuss homelessness and housing in Pittsfield.
Elisa and Paul look up for a photo while discussing youth programs.

Join us June 28 to celebrate 1 year of Working Cities

It’s been 1 year since we celebrated the award of the Working Cities Challenge Grant!

Join us at Durant Park (formerly Pitt Park) Columbus Ave. entrance
for a Potluck BBQ and Networking Event.

Wednesday June 28
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Celebrate our accomplishments over the past year and join in the work ahead. Pitch an idea or join an idea to make Pittsfield a safe, thriving, and just community for all.

Please bring some lawn chairs and if your organization has any folding tables, please note below that you can bring them.

Click here to sign up for a potluck item.

Please email Alisa Costa for child care, tables, and food. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you there.