Advanced Manufacturing Training

The Berkshire County Regional Employment Board announced that they have again received an extension grant of $138,000 from the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. This funding will continue the important work of recruiting and retraining workers for the manufacturing field. The grant covers the time period of October 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018.
In conjunction with educational partners, Berkshire Community College, Pittsfield Public Schools, and McCann Tech, training is being offered in both Pittsfield and North Adams and will focus on course work that will provide participants with the skills necessary to obtain entry level positions in manufacturing.

BRTA Presents Employment-Based Transportation Concept

In a series of three community meetings, Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA), presented information related to data collected in the development of a regional employment-based transportation pilot. BRTA provides public transportation services to its 25 member communities within Berkshire County.

Working Cities Pittsfield members attended the presentation where data was presented regarding personal vehicle usage, employment centers, and basic solution concepts. BRTA is requesting feedback related to the information presented. Working Cities Pittsfield is dedicated to working with BRTA to support research to identify needs and opportunities to address transportation issues in the region.

To learn more, or if you would like to be part of this conversation, please contact Alisa Costa.