Join us June 28 to celebrate 1 year of Working Cities

It’s been 1 year since we celebrated the award of the Working Cities Challenge Grant!

Join us at Durant Park (formerly Pitt Park) Columbus Ave. entrance
for a Potluck BBQ and Networking Event.

Wednesday June 28
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Celebrate our accomplishments over the past year and join in the work ahead. Pitch an idea or join an idea to make Pittsfield a safe, thriving, and just community for all.

Please bring some lawn chairs and if your organization has any folding tables, please note below that you can bring them.

Click here to sign up for a potluck item.

Please email Alisa Costa for child care, tables, and food. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you there.

Working Cities Wednesday groups formed on May 24th


The Mayor’s Fitness Challenge formed by Linda Kelly. If you would like to join the Mayor’s Fitness Challenge as a Berkshire Bridges member, click here or contact Linda Kelley at [email protected].

Trauma Informed Community formed by Chris Haley, is an initiative to increase public awareness about mental health issues through “Community Conversations”. This is as an opportunity for educational, law services, business owners, medical providers, and residential citizens to understand what being trauma-informed is, and how changing our perspective, could enhance our entire community. Chris announced an event on August 15th at the Colonial Theatre from 9 to 1. They talked about the best way to get the word out and get people interested. They want people to know what ACEs are and how they affect people’s health. They are considering having a poster campaign. Please contact Chris Haley for more information at 413-395-2014 or [email protected].

Better Block Pittsfield was formed by Sika Sedzro. Better Block is MassDevelopment’s program to combine local art & culture with pop-up infrastructure aimed at improving quality of life in the Morningside neighborhood. There is an event on June 8 at the Berkshire Dream Center at 5:30pm. They talked about transportation, street arrangement, and lighting to improve the neighborhood. They want to use green principles. Jacob’s Pillow is having a pop up dance there. To get involved in the Better Block initiative, contact Sika at [email protected], (617)275-6639 or click here to see their web site.

Youth Programs was formed by Fernanda Provencher . The group wants to focus on getting kids in the 12-14 year old range and in lower to middle class income range off the street. Specifically, they would like to focus on families who do not meet current income guidelines for free or reduced priced programs. Camps are expensive, so they need funding. They want the camp to run for most of the day (i.e. 7 am to 5 pm). For more information or to participate in this effort, please contact Fernanda at [email protected] or 413-344-6219.


The next Working cities Wednesday meeting will be held Wednesday June 28 at 5:30pm at Durant Park (formerly Pitts Park) at the Columbus Ave. entrance. This event will celebrate one year since Pittsfield was awarded the Working Cities Grant. Bring your ideas to pitch for a better Pittsfield.