Celebrating WE and US on Working Cities Wednesday

Over 100 of you (not counting the dozens of kids) joined us in Durant Park under the beautiful Eastern Cottonwood tree to celebrate the Working Cities Pittsfield initiative! We each believe that all people in Pittsfield can experience a safe, thriving, and just community. This is a WE movement, and only together can we move forward and make this work possible.

Earlier this month we learned that Pittsfield is selected for the Boston Federal Reserve’s Working Cities Challenge, a multi-year collaboration to increase opportunities for low-income residents. Habitat executive director Carolyn Valli explained what’s coming next with Working Cities: we are seeking a hiring committee for the Initiative Director; the budget and work plan are under final review; and we are signing up anyone who is interested in taking the Getting Ahead program to be a paid Community Navigator. We will post our theory of change charts and sign ups on this website soon.

We are so thankful for Vivaldis pizzeria for catering this event and Heart2heart Ministry for bringing salads and Pastor Keith Evans for leading the blessing. Thank you to the staff, volunteers, and coalition partners that made this amazing celebration and showing of community possible!

To learn more on how to join the Working Cities movement, visit this page to contact us. Please enjoy the photos below, and click here or the facebook post below to view more.




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Working Cities Community Meeting (open to the public)

After hosting 14 community conversations and a feedback discussion, the Working Cities Coalition is nearing the deadline on our city-wide grant. Please join us as we present the community plan to make Pittsfield an equitable, thriving and safe community for all over the next several years.

Join our Community Conversation on April 25 at 5:30 pm. Location is the Conte Community School at 200 West Union Street in Pittsfield.

This meeting is FREE, open to the public and includes refreshments. Please call Habitat by Thursday, April 21 if you need childcare or transportation: (413) 442-3181

Upcoming Public Meetings

Westside Initiative + Community Development planning: Monday 2/22 at Conte Community School beginning at 5:30.
This is the annual forum the City of Pittsfield hosts to discuss usage of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) federal funds. If you are a resident or have a particular investment in the Westside, your input is needed. Nicole will also be there to discuss some of Habitat’s findings from the Westside Neighborhood Survey.

Working Cities Coalition Meeting: Thursday 2/25 at the Family Resource Center. 5:30 meal, 6:00 the meeting begins with planning and discussion until 7:30.
Our facilitators will share current results from the community conversations we’ve hosted around Pittsfield. Gwendolyn Van Sandt will be leading as we discuss our vision, shared result, and drivers of change for the grant. If you are a resident or simply have any investment in Pittsfield, we want you at this planning table!

Please contact us if you’d like more information.

Community Conversation: Conte Community School (open to the public)

Do you want a better Pittsfield?

We want to hear from you … really! Your story is important to the fabric of our community and Pittsfield’s future. Join us for Community Conversation at the Conte Community School on Friday, February 5 at 6:00 pm. We want to know what’s working for you here in Pittsfield, what’s not working, and how we can change the challenges you are facing.

This event is FREE and OPEN to the public. Food provided, and on-site childcare assistance may be available. For more information, contact us.

Westside Initiative Meeting with Mayor Tyer

Join the Westside Initiative meeting and share your voice on improvements in our neighborhood. Mayor Linda Tyer will be attending.

Join the Westside Neighborhood Initiative on Monday, January 25th at 5:30 pm in Conte Community School for our monthly meeting. Newly-elected Mayor Linda Tyer will be attending. This is your opportunity to voice your specific needs and hopes for this neighborhood. We hope to see you there!