Join the Boys & Girls Club for the 1st Annual Berkshire Youth Expo! We’re encouraging all agencies, artists, teachers, businesses and anyone with an interest in positive youth development to showcase their opportunities and talents. Let’s encourage our kids to thrive! Click here to see the event details.
Month: February 2016
Upcoming Public Meetings
Westside Initiative + Community Development planning: Monday 2/22 at Conte Community School beginning at 5:30.
This is the annual forum the City of Pittsfield hosts to discuss usage of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) federal funds. If you are a resident or have a particular investment in the Westside, your input is needed. Nicole will also be there to discuss some of Habitat’s findings from the Westside Neighborhood Survey.
Working Cities Coalition Meeting: Thursday 2/25 at the Family Resource Center. 5:30 meal, 6:00 the meeting begins with planning and discussion until 7:30.
Our facilitators will share current results from the community conversations we’ve hosted around Pittsfield. Gwendolyn Van Sandt will be leading as we discuss our vision, shared result, and drivers of change for the grant. If you are a resident or simply have any investment in Pittsfield, we want you at this planning table!
Please contact us if you’d like more information.
Raising Our Community Voice
Together, we are transforming the idea of ‘how can I make a difference in my community‘? Through our Community Conversations, the Working Cities Pittsfield team is hearing you, listening to your ideas and aspirations, and asking you what can improve Pittsfield. We want you at the change-making table.
Since the the Working Cities Pittsfield team began our Community Conversations last month, we have…
- Hosted 9 Community Conversations
- Engaged with over 230 people of Pittsfield who traditionally have not been at the policy-making table
- Conversed in topics like youth and safety, diversity, transportation, communication, housing, employment, food and more
And we plan on sustaining this positive energy and momentum! If you have met us in a Community Conversation or simply what to learn what the big deal is about Working Cities, join us for a meeting at the Family Resource Center on February 25. Let your voice be heard. Click here for details or contact us for more information.
Below are photos from the Conte Community School conversation on February 5, which involved more than 60 residents, youth and Latino families!